If you have not signed up to use The Drapery Works proven estimation and Workroom Order model, then you are losing precious money and time.
Reduce Human Errors
While there are areas in the web site that are restricted to our members only, feel free to visit any of our other areas of the web site. If you are a member and encounter any problems with loging into the member areas, please contact the
Container1 Save Time
The main point of saving time is to only touch your data once. Enter your data once and never have to touch it again. Allow the system to perform your calculations, saving precious time that you can be spending with those you love.
Container2 Save Money
Saving money is the difference between success and failure. Allowing the system to calculate the values to the smallest of details brings more money into your pocket and less in failed attempts to capture everything. Allowing the system to capture the smallest of details leaves nothing on the table and properly accounts for all the labor and costs required.
Container3 Pinpoint Accuracy
The most common cause of lost revenue is miss-calculation in the estimation process. Allow the system to capture everything you need to have a successful estimate. Remove the human error from that process.